How Does The CAVTECT System
Protect Your Home?
CAVTECT is an irrigation system which applies a termiticide
to an essential point of entry for termites - the cavity
from the top of the footing to the top of the slab.
By applying the termiticide to the cavity
eliminates the requirement to apply a chemical residue
barrier to the outside soil that surrounds the perimeter
of the building.
This is a major safety factor as occupants will not
be exposed to chemical residues when gardening or
playing around the house.
Future treatments will only require injection through
the Safety Box. This does away with the need to drill
unsightly holes through paving, concrete or tiles
around the house.
Sand, Clip, Pipe and Nozzle in Cavity |
This method achieves three
main design purposes of the CAVTECT
- Safety to the occupants.
- Direct efficiency to control termites foraging
at the main point of entry into the building.
- Longerresidual control of protectiorrtothe building
bythetermiticide barrierbeing in a sheltered location
without being disturbed.
Chemicals Used In CAVTECT
Irrigation Systems
Chemicals used are fully approved by the Australian
Pesticides and Vetrinary Medicines Association and
are listed for use in the Australian Standards Code